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انتشار کتاب Thysanoptera in Iran

Thysanoptera in Iran 1938–2007: An Overview

Authors: J. S. Bhatti, Jalil Alavi, Richard zur Strassen, Zakkieh Telmadarraiy
373 pages. 2009. Scientia Publishing, New Delhi

Thrips, No. 7–8. ISSN 0974-6587
(Part 1, Thrips, No. 7, pages 1–172, Part 2, Thrips No. 8, pages 173–373)

US $67 plus packing and postage US $15

This study deals with the knowledge of thrips, or Thysanoptera, in Iran , as it has developed over the last 70 years, from the first report of thrips in Iran in 1938 through publications until the end of 2007. The study is divided into two parts.

In Part 1, the first section deals with the scientific names of Thysanoptera known from Iran , including all names used in the literature on Iranian Thysanoptera. The valid names of all species, as now used in modern taxonomic literature on Thysanoptera, are given along with the synonymic names appearing in the Iranian literature. There are 177 species of thrips known from Iran , including 132 species of Terebrantia in 47/49 genera, and 45 species of Tubulifera in 15 genera. Two of the species endemic in Iran are not recognizable at present, whereas 9 species recorded from Iran are of doubtful occurrence. Bibliographic records pertaining to the taxonomy of these species are given, including nomenclatural changes which have taken place over the past more than 100 years.

The second section is a review of Iranian Literature on Thysanoptera on all aspects of Iranian research on these insects, such as thrips on crops and other useful plants, thrips as pests and their control, thrips and tospoviruses, and the faunistics of thrips in Iran .

Part 2 provides an annotated Bibliography of Iranian Literature on Thysanoptera. This comprises 232 references on or including thrips from 1938 through 2007, including 187 primary references which have been authored individually or jointly by 192 Iranian scientists. 161 of these references are published in Iran and 26 are published outside Iran . There are also 45 references comprising secondary literature relating to thrips, all of which except one have been published in Iran .

Three appendices provide a list of plant names associated with thrips in Iran literature, a family-wise list of these plants, and their scientific and common names. Another appendix indicates the geographical location of the localities from which thrips in Iran have been studied.

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